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5-Night Shamanic Journeying and Power Animal Retreat

Shamanic Power Animal RetreatIncludes 8 hours of Shamanic Practice, Journeying and Power Animal Work.

Total Price: £990 per person.** See our group savings

Includes B&B accommodation, enhanced personal service and 8 hours of Shamanic Journeying and Power Animal Work. This retreat can be facilitated one-to-one or as a small group (up to four people). Group Savings are available. Follow the link to find out how much you can save.

A Shamanic Practice For Beginners

This retreat will introduce you to the basics of a Shamanic Practice. If you feel spirit speaks most powerfully to you through nature (the animal, vegetable, mineral and elemental realms) then shamanism might be the perfect practice for you.

Shamanism holds to the wisdom that all life possesses an intelligence and that through the medium of a shamanic journey we can venture into the realms of spirit and communicate with the essence of all things – from trees, to rivers, mountains, crystals, animals and herbs. This retreat equips participants to safely explore the worlds of spirit and begin an individual home practice through shamanic journeying.

Some people find journeying to the drumbeat really easy and some initially a little patchy, but perseverance does produce results. I can recommend drumming CDs to help you practice at home and develop the knowledge you have gained.

Retreat contents are outlined below, but may be subject to alteration:

Session One: Creating shamanic sacred space. Cleansing the space and the person with sage smudge; teaching about the medicine wheel; and calling in animal guardians to create your personal medicine wheel. Finding your own “sacred place”. Grounding and Protection guidance.

Session Two: I help the participant meet their personal power animal guide in the lower world; this animal may be different to those that hold the energy of the medicine altar. Integrating this power into your energy body is a healing known as “power retrieval”, and some preliminary work is done with its energy.

Session Three: Learn how to journey independently to the beat of the shamanic drum; learn how to check that energies are genuine guides; ask for guidance from your power animal and see what you are shown; try a journey to the upper world to meet a spirit guide.
Session Four: Learn about “shamanic shadow” and a power animal ceremony that helps to break down stuck emotional energy. Journey into the interior of a crystal to rebalance and fill your energy body with light.

Here’s some feedback about this Retreat from participants:

“I am in the midst of a transformation period and wanted to try some shamanic practice to help guide the way. The day of arrival I felt restless and emotional. Then I had a very moving experience when I found my Power Animal, it was like “coming home”.

Now I have an understanding of the healing work I can do in the shamanic “lower world” and I have discovered the “golden seat of wisdom” in the shamanic upper world!

Now I feel very satisfied, touched and inspired. I feel more in contact with me, more grounded, but also lighter. I would recommend this Retreat because it is magical and healing but also fun. Rosemary’s approach was lovely, perfect. I felt safe.”
Wendelien, owner of an I.T. Company and a training healer, Heeswjk, Netherlands.

“I was very curious but didn’t have any expectations. I wondered how shamanic practice works.
Shamanic practice gave me a lot! I had a wonderful insight into the lower world and a “pleasure ride” through the upper world. I met a wonderful pair of power animals, who feel like my new “Best Female Friends”.

Now I feel relaxed, lighter, my mind is quieter and still. I feel more connected to my body. Shamanic Practice is a different way of looking at yourself and the world, a different way of working “within” yourself. It is a powerful boost for the soul.

Rosemary’s approach was caring, nurturing and encouraging, leading without pressure or expectation. Thank you so much!”
Mu, Educational Designer, Utrecht, Netherlands

Contact Rosemary on 01458 832157 or 07906 865717 to discuss retreat contents.