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You are Free! Do you choose to Love or Hate?

Are you ready and willing to do what it takes? Are you committed to making the changes to bring you greater health, peace and prosperity? We are at a time of massive planetary awakening. Turmoil is raging upon Mother Earth. Our economic system as we know it is collapsing, revolution is raging across the Middle [...]

Treatment of Birth Trauma in Infants & Children Dr William Emerson Ph.D

Treatment of Birth Trauma In Infants & Children: Collected Works of William Emerson, Ph.D., Vol 1 – Emerson Training Seminars, Petaluma, CA, 94952, pp. 132, 1996 – Reviewed by John A. Speyrer Treatment of Birth Trauma In Infants & Children is one in a series of bound volumes of the writings of Dr. William R. Emerson, [...]

Trauma through a Child’s Eyes – Peter Levine PhD & Maggie Kline Ms, MFT – Book Forward

An essential guide for recognizing, preventing and healing childhood trauma, from infancy through adolescence — what parents, educators, and health professionals can do. Trauma can result not only from catastrophic events such as abuse, violence or loss of loved ones, but from natural disasters and everyday incidents such as auto accidents, medical procedures, divorce, or [...]

Trauma – How is it defined?

1. What is trauma? The psychiatric definition of “trauma” is “an event outside normal human experience.” Trauma generally leaves you feeling powerless, helpless, paralyzed. It tends to be sudden and overwhelming; it “owns” you. You cannot think clearly during and after a severe trauma; at the same time, you are forced to focus your consciousness [...]

The Global Affects of Trauma

What must we do to bring positive change and healing to the planet? What prevents us living in a Utopia where we can be free from hunger and fear? What drives out peace on earth? In the past few decades we have made huge technological advances and our standard of living has risen dramatically. How [...]

Shock: How It Limits Our Lives, What We Can Do About It – by Peggy Rubin interviewing Karlton Terry

Karlton Terry is a pre- and perinatal educator, and the head of the Consulate Healing Center, a naturopathic, holistic healing center, in Denver, Colorado. Peggy Rubin, of the Center for Sacred Theatre in Ashland, conducted this interview in January 2001.   PEGGY: You do a great deal of teaching and also private work with individuals [...]

Reflections on the Somatic Foundations of Meditation – Reginald A. Ray

The phrase “touching enlightenment with the body” occurs in an early Theravada meditation text as a way to describe the attainment of ultimate spiritual realization. It is interesting, if a bit puzzling, that we are invited not to see enlightenment, but to touch it; and, further, that we touch it not with our thought or [...]

Primal Therapy With Infants – William R. Emerson, Ph.D.

The present article describes the process of primal therapy with infants, reports outcomes, and clarifies important differences in primal therapy for infants vs. adults. The possibility of “primaling” infants occurred in when I was asked to consult on a very difficult case. An infant girl had severe and episodic bronchitis, and her condition had not [...]

Prebirth Memory Therapy – Jon R.G Turner and Troya Turner

Points of View Prebirth Memory Therapy Including Prematurely Delivered Patients Jon R. G. Turner and Troya Turner Editor’s Note: Jon and Troya Turner are Co-Founders of the Whole-Self Discovery and Development Institute, Inc., International. For more than a quarter century they have been leading workshops around the world on a unique way of approaching pre- [...]

Pre-natal Trauma Resolution at Healing Waters

Patterns of shock and trauma created in our pre-natal lives, can create a template for how we respond to later events as adults, and as such lead to patterns of violence and aggression in are personal relationships and society at large. <!–more–> It seems that memory of these early traumatic events can be encoded as [...]