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How Does Your Garden Grow – Interview with Juliet Yelverton at Healing Waters Sanctuary

How Does Your Garden Grow – Interview with Juliet Yelverton at Healing Waters Sanctuary I had the great joy to record an interview recently with Slade Suiter on Authenticity Radio. He is another blessed and committed soul, seeking to bring peace on earth and as well as running this wonderful radio station, he also gives [...]

Glastonbury’s Best Kept Secret!

Alexandra Wenman, the editor of Prediction Magazine, came to Healing Waters to discover Glastonbury’s Best Kept Secret! Alexandra Wenman loved Healing Waters Sanctuary when she came to stay last week and here she interviews me giving me the opportunity to share a little more about the work of the Sanctuary and my personal vision for [...]

Message from the Heart of the World – The Elder Brothers Warning

Message from the Heart of the World – The Elder Brothers Warning This remarkable message was sent to us around 10 years ago as an urgent warning about the effects of the destruction that we are inflicting on the planet. It has been ignored and now the Kogi Mammas are sending out a new message [...]

The Flying Witch at Healing Waters Sanctuary

The Flying Witch at Healing Waters Sanctuary How often as a woman do you feel bad because you menstruate? Our female cycles are our power to give birth to new life, yet in our modern society, we may feel degraded by them. Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel came to Healing Waters Sanctuary with her workshop to empower [...]

Bruce Lipton – The Power of Consciousness

Bruce Lipton – The Power of Consciousness Cellular Biologist, Bruce Lipton, turns conventional scientific beliefs on their heads. He has demonstrated through his research that genes do NOT control your life. It is the environment that is the deciding factor on health. He later discovered that we can influence the behaviour of our cells and [...]

What is significant about December 2012?

What is significant about December 2012? We have been moving towards December 2012 for a long time time and now it is really close. What is going to happen, or what is happening now. What do we need to do to align in a positive way to this major galactic event? Maybe it is time [...]

Are we here to Survive or Thrive?

Are we here to Survive or Thrive? Everyone has been talking about 2012 and what it means for us. What is really happening on the planet and where is it all heading? I believe that it is really down to each one of us, really taking our destiny in our hands, and responsibility for our [...]

Soul and Spirit Magazine Testimonial for Healing Waters

Soul and Spirit Magazine Testimonial for Healing Waters How did the Soul and Spirit Team enjoy their stay at Healing Waters?

Open Day at Glastonbury Healing Gardens

Open Day at Glastonbury Healing Gardens If you love the possibility of growing your own food but not doing all the work, then a community garden might be for you. See our video We had open day at the Gardens today, but actually you are welcome to come any day and we are open to [...]

Your mind is responsible for your health and wealth

Your mind is responsible for your health and wealth Celullar Biologist, Bruce Lipton explains how positive thoughts alone are not enough, But the good news is that we can change everything about our lives through the power of our mind. See how these principles can be applied through my work at Healing Waters.