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Avalon Healing Immersion 

4 Night Retreat

With Paloma M Bellido

£777   BOOK NOW


The healing package that Paloma offers you at Healing Waters Sanctuary intends to be a profound and expansive healing experience that will help you heal, release, and integrate aspects of yourself. It has been carefully crafted to provide you with several elements that will help you in your process of personal evolution.

Paloma offers you 2 hours each session during three days of your 4-day stay. The sessions would combine energy healing, information, activation and ritual. It is believed that when these four elements are combined, they act like a potent gateway that can accelerate our personal expansion if we dare to enter it. The healing package is also weaved with Avalon’s energies and whatever wants to be revealed to you during your stay in this sacred land.

The healing sessions that Paloma offers are Recalibration, Feminine Energy Healing (womb healing for women or hara healing for men), and Light Codes Healing; you can find out more about each of them in the section “Therapies”. 

The information shared would be about Avalon and its origin and connection with Atlantis, Lemuria, the Sisterhood of the Rose and the Priestesses of Avalon. Paloma also provides information about the main power places in Glastonbury and the most predominant energies in each place so you can work with them more consciously during your 4-day immersion. You will also be guided about how to create a ritual to perform during those days that will enhance the deep work that you will be doing. 


The package has a very clear structure for you to follow. Still, Paloma also allows for the possibility to flow with what may be coming up for you during those days, which means that the three days can also be specially tailored for you so you can receive what is most needed for you at that moment. 


The intention is to offer you a very strong, safe and healing space where you can give yourself the opportunity to​ ​deepen your connection with yourself. It is also Paloma’s vision for your encounter that you will be able to reconnect with Avalon in a very sacred way and that at the end of your immersion, you will feel upgraded and have more understanding of who you are and what the next steps for you to take into your life journey.  



Paloma Martinez Bellido – Testimonials


C.F. –The Goddess Codes

As a practitioner I love working with Paloma, her space-holding abilities is very profound and rare, she has a very deep but light touch and her tuning into the energies is sublime. A beautiful caring heart space. You will be blessed to work with her.


J.P. –Womb healing

I totally trust the divine and incredible energies that Paloma works with. I love how close she brings me to my ancestors and the loving beings who, with her, perform incredible healing ceremonies, chord cuttings or whatever needs to be processed in that session. Her healings are extremely light and gentle but also deep and powerful and having worked with many healers over the past 20 years she is one of the most advanced and loving workers.


B.M. / Recalibration

I was in a very difficult place, and Paloma helped me to gain the clarity that I needed so I could start making the decisions that would help me believe in myself again and bring happiness to my life.


M.A. / Meditation Activation

Paloma takes you to the place where you belong and from there, your purpose becomes clear.


M.S. / Meditation Activation

The guided meditation with Paloma made me experience love in a way that I haven’t felt it before, it was like receiving a Baptism of healing and strengthening. I could feel the divine feminine and the divine masculine being activated and merging within me.


W.H. Recalibration Session

My treatment with Paloma was a truly transformational experience; she is amazing. I highly recommend you see her. 

The session flowed naturally and uncovered years of stuff that needed to come up. It was emotional and enlightening and showed me what I needed to see. 

I left with purpose, understanding, and a new sense of self. Paloma and I connected, and she saw who I was, who I wanted to be, and showed me the light to ignite a long-lost flame. Thank you


M.L. – The Goddess Codes

I treasure working with Paloma. Each one of the healing experiences were a space for miracles. My internal process was unique and genuinely, subtly guided and gently moved my internal misalignments to a renewed, powerful state of Being.


L.A. The Goddess Codes

It was peaceful and profound. One of the most nourishing energetic treatments I have ever had. It felt like coming home.


A.D. / Recalibration

Being in Paloma’s presence and connecting with her essence is already healing. She invites you to see and feel your divine self, with acceptance she helps you to bring light to the shadow so you can embrace it. The simplicity of her words makes everything flow easily, and she enormously respects your own process. I am very grateful for the work I have done with her.


E.H. / Meditation – Activation

I don’t have words to express what I have experienced…..but I would like to highlight the potency of the high frequencies with which she works and that she herself emanates. She is a medicine woman who transforms and recalibrates your electromagnetic field in sessions of great transformation. From the first moment I felt a great opening of the heart and of the energy centres providing balms of love and healing to very deep wounds that were lodged inside me…. thank you again for your heart, for your wisdom and your contribution to the world.


S.W. / Avalon Healing Immersion

I love working with Paloma. I first met her in England at the Healing Waters Retreat Center in Glastonbury.  I did the Four-night Avalon Healing Immersion retreat which meant that Paloma and I spent 3 glorious days in intimate connection.  I felt understood, seen and supported as we delved into recalibration, womb healing and Goddess codes.  Paloma offers work I have never come across before.  She offers a unique insight into certain aspects of life/spirituality and practices healing modalities that are both rare and potent.  I continue to work with her long distance to help support my commitment to clearing, opening and transforming.  She is a gem. 


O.S. / Recalibration

My sessions with Paloma have been very profound and deeply healing.

Each one of them has taken me on a journey and brought me back closer to my essence. The release and reconnection I experienced helped me find the courage to step forwards into my purpose at this time.

Paloma is warm and caring and also a great channel of wisdom and clarity.

I would definitely recommend her as a healer and as an agent of transformation.

I love working with her.