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Exploring Emerson’s Trauma Crying Theory in the Treatment of Babies- Seeking Accurate Empathy – By Karlton Terry

Exploring Emerson’s Trauma Crying Theory in the Treatment of Babies- Seeking Accurate Empathy – By Karlton Terry Many baby therapists agree that crying ranks near or at the top of parental motivations for seeking psychological and somatic assistance. Unfortunately some therapies are simply aimed at “stopping the crying,” including repressive behavior modification techniques which only [...]

Dr Atwater interview – Has the most comprehensive research on near death experiences

Dr Atwater interview – Has the most comprehensive research on near death experiences I am really fascinated by near death experiences. It is begining to feel very real to me. There are so many points where it can be proved to be real rather than just a function of brain damage. The implications for this [...]

The Pyschological Effects of Obstetrical Interventions – Dr William Emerson Ph.D

The Pyschological Effects of Obstetrical Interventions Dr William Emerson Ph.D Reviewed by John A. Speyrer Because of our evolutionary history, birth for homo sapiens is often considered be traumatic. Though medical interventions in delivery are thought to be helpful, many believe that they often compound the traumas of birth. In this work, Dr. William R. [...]