February 12, 2014
Healing Waters' very own Forensic Energy Healer, Dr Estelle Gillingham, will be the healer in residence at Kate Magic's next raw food retreat. Kate is a highly respected raw food guru and best-selling author. The retreat will be 4 days of uninterrupted bliss! Raw food prep classes with Kate Magic, raw dining by Anna Middleton [...]
December 24, 2013
Need to deeply relax, try this Yoga Nidra meditation. Yoga Nidra is a profound method for healing and deep relaxation. It helps you to change fixed beliefs and creates new pathways in the brain, allowing your body to heal. Yoga Nidra brings an incredible calmness, quietness and clarity. It is one of the deepest of [...]
January 20, 2013
Emerging from the Underworld – Recovery from Long Term Illness Serious illness can arrive like a dark stranger to rob you of your soul. Suddenly your whole world is upside down and you are faced with mortality. Sometimes we die and sometimes we recover. Either way we are changed. We may achieve a profound state [...]