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Tuaca Kelly interviews Juliet Yelverton

How doe the garden grow and what is the inspiration behind the Healing Waters Sanctuary Tuaca Kelly stayed at the Sanctuary and was inspired to make a video Healing Waters Sanctuary, Glastonbury from Tuaca Kelly on Vimeo.

Urgent write today to say NO to proposed EU seed Law

Today, 28th April, is the deadline for saying NO to proposed EU Seed Law However, Please write anyway if you see this before the 6th May 3013 when the vote is to take place. Here is a template letter that you can copy and paste if you like: Please pass it to anyone else who [...]

Healing Gardens Cooperative Survey

We are conducting a survey to find out what would make the Healing Gardens Cooperative more useful and enjoyable for you. Please help us by filling out the few questions and returning to us. Click here to take survey

How Does Your Garden Grow – Interview with Juliet Yelverton at Healing Waters Sanctuary

How Does Your Garden Grow - Interview with Juliet Yelverton at Healing Waters Sanctuary I had the great joy to record an interview recently with Slade Suiter on Authenticity Radio. He is another blessed and committed soul, seeking to bring peace on earth and as well as running this wonderful radio station, he also gives [...]