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It’s not too late!!

        You are never too late to heal! Sometimes, it seems that our whole life goes by and we are stuck in the same pattern that never seems to change, no matter what we do. Changes however are often happening subtly. Finally like a jigsaw, we fit the last piece in place [...]

Pim van Lommel – Consciousness Beyond Life – Cardiologist documents NDE

Pim van Lommel - Consciousness Beyond Life - Cardiologist documents NDE Cardiologist Pim Van Lommel has documented hundreds of people who have had Near Death Experiences during cardiac arrests. He discusses here whether consciousness is created by the brain or not. What are the implications for us as humanity, if consciousness does not exist within [...]

Glimpses of eternity – Dr Raymond Moody on near death experiences

This is a very informative interview with Dr Raymond Moody on his experiences and research of people both having Near Death Experiences and also others who have witnessed the Near Death Experiences of their loved ones. Do you know anyone that has witnessed the near death experience of others? Juliet

BBC Documentary of Near Death Experience

BBC Documentary of Near Death Experience This is a remarkable exploration of the veracity of near death experiences, now being shown on the main stream media. What do you think of this? Do you know anyone who has had this experience, I would love to hear more.