March 2, 2016
You are never too late to heal! Sometimes, it seems that our whole life goes by and we are stuck in the same pattern that never seems to change, no matter what we do. Changes however are often happening subtly. Finally like a jigsaw, we fit the last piece in place [...]
January 4, 2013
Pim van Lommel - Consciousness Beyond Life - Cardiologist documents NDE Cardiologist Pim Van Lommel has documented hundreds of people who have had Near Death Experiences during cardiac arrests. He discusses here whether consciousness is created by the brain or not. What are the implications for us as humanity, if consciousness does not exist within [...]
January 2, 2013
Dr Atwater interview - Has the most comprehensive research on near death experiences I am really fascinated by near death experiences. It is begining to feel very real to me. There are so many points where it can be proved to be real rather than just a function of brain damage. The implications for this [...]
December 31, 2012
Lilou Mace interviews Dr Raymond Moody on Near Death and Out of Body experiences. This is a very interesting interview and explains that many people even doing seemingly 'normal' things, go out of body whilst doing it. Have you ever had an 'out of body' or 'near death experience'?
December 26, 2012
Most of us are fearful by the thought of dying, yet we will all die. How can we can navigate this seemingly difficult terrain? The Buddhist Scriptures known as the Tibetan Book of the Dead, or the Great Liberation, help us on our way.