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The art of the natural therapist Jo Hanstead July 2013

The art of the natural therapist Jo Hanstead July 2013 Just about everyone can learn to play a few notes on an instrument, or draw a picture. Some will be happy with a taste, others will carry on to explore interesting techniques or create new forms. In every expression of creativity, people have differing talent [...]

Dumped again? Time to find your Inner Lover

Dumped again? Time to find your Inner Lover. Sometimes love seems to fade and what was a happy relationship suddenly feels empty. Sad when both are in agreement that the time has come to finish, but even sadder when you are the one that is still in love but your partner wants to quit. How [...]

Testimonial from Lynda who stayed for 3 day therapy break at Healing Waters Sanctuary

Testimonial from Lynda who stayed for 3 day therapy break at Healing Waters Sanctuary Healing Waters is a magical place for transformation. I stayed for a 4 day healing retreat in the beautiful Peony Room with wonderful views, glorious sunrises, and a very comfy bed! Juliet is lovely and and so helpful, the therapies I [...]

Addiction, Bulimia and Poverty Consciousness – What predisposes us to suffer in this way?

Addiction, Bulimia and Poverty Consciousness – What predisposes us to suffer in this way? How are issues of addiction, greed and poverty consciousness patterned in our earliest moments of life as a microscopic clusters of cells? The Blostocyst journey down the Fallopian Tube and then implantation in the womb may shape these deep psychological and [...]

Life after Death – Recovery from Caring

Life after Death – Recovery from Caring We have made it to 2013. What a roller coaster of upheaval our planet has been through. So many people have reported going through a terrible crisis. If you are one of the unfortunate people affected, maybe I can help you. The past events may have caused you [...]

Royal Raymond Rife – Groundbreaking work that kills bacteria and viruses without harming human cells.

We have an absolute epidemic of cancer not to mention other endemic diseases. What on earth is going on? People are relying on the pharmaceutical industry and surgery to 'cure' them? Yet millions of people are dying on chemotherapy and other pharmaceutical drugs. There was a man called Royal Raymond Rife, who was a highly [...]

Soul and Spirit Magazine Testimonial for Healing Waters

Soul and Spirit Magazine Testimonial for Healing Waters How did the Soul and Spirit Team enjoy their stay at Healing Waters?