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Healing Birth Wounds Workshop 12th & 13th Decemeber2015

Healing Birth Wounds Workshop 12th & 13th December 2015 Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with the same old story, your life stressed and unfulfilling, or suffer from vague anxieties, stuck patterns, life repeating itself in a negative spiral? Past traumatic experiences can be fermenting beneath the level of your conscious mind that you have no [...]

Trauma Resolution Training at the Healing Waters Sanctuary

You may have heard about this training that I am running at the Sanctuary this year and not quite get it, that I am creating it to support all kinds of healing practitioners, irrespective of their original training. It is to give you a significant edge in being able to embrace your work more deeply [...]

How your life can change when you Heal your Birth Wounds.

Few people think about the fact that they even existed before birth, but actually we existed from the time of ’embodying’ in the physical realms. The earliest identity that we have as a human being was at the point of conception when all the genetic material is assembled ready for us to grow into who [...]

Healing Trauma in a safe way

Healing Trauma in a safe way It may be that when you hear the word ‘trauma’ that you think it applies to someone else and not to yourself. The reality is that trauma is probably the number one condition that affects the most people on the planet. All sorts of situations in life can lead [...]

Need to deeply relax, try this Yoga Nidra meditation.

Need to deeply relax, try this Yoga Nidra meditation. Yoga Nidra is a profound method for healing and deep relaxation. It helps you to change fixed beliefs and creates new pathways in the brain, allowing your body to heal. Yoga Nidra brings an incredible calmness, quietness and clarity. It is one of the deepest of [...]

Lilou Mace interviews Juliet Yelverton

Healing the planet – an interview with Lilou Mace and Juliet Yelverton Lilou came to stay at Healing Waters

Tuaca Kelly interviews Juliet Yelverton

How doe the garden grow and what is the inspiration behind the Healing Waters Sanctuary Tuaca Kelly stayed at the Sanctuary and was inspired to make a video Healing Waters Sanctuary, Glastonbury from Tuaca Kelly on Vimeo.

Healing From Cancer – Miracles can happen

Healing from Cancer – Miracles can happen Life can be turned upside down, when suddenly you discover that you have an illness like cancer. The very name fills us with fear and feels like a death sentence. Yet the reality is that there can be a 90% cure rate for many types of cancer. It [...]

Liver Flush – Cleansing the Liver of toxins

Liver Flush – Cleansing the Liver of toxins The Liver is of utmost importance to our health When toxicity has built up in the body, it’s functions may be compromised, causing our overall health to suffer. With our modern lifestyles there are multiple channels in which toxicity can overwhelm our bodies. Environmental posions through cleaning [...]

Healing Trauma with Emotional Freedom Technique

Healing Trauma with Emotional Freedom Technique Using EFT for healing trauma, amongst other things, can be highly effective, but very simple and completely inexpensive to do. In fact it costs nothing except a little time. It has even been used for victims of genocide in Rwanda For easy step by step directions and a short [...]