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Greater awareness of light and energy fields after Karmic MOT with Estelle

Session Type: Karmic and Past Lives MOT: face to face in Glastonbury Ok, so I am very impressed!!! To be honest, I cannot say I felt much at the time of the session, but now, two days after my session, there is a significant improvement in terms of Light around me. My vision is clearer, [...]

Karmic and Past Lives MOT testimonial

Session Type: Karmic and Past Lives MOT via Skype with a client in Australia "Words cannot express how I feel and what I have experienced. After the session I was completely blissed out and so peaceful. I was smiling from ear to ear. It has taken a few days allowing myself to absorb all the [...]

The secret gesture that opens the door to enlightenment

If I told you that one of the most empowering and possibly bravest acts you could ever perform was as simple as raising your arm above your head, you would probably wonder what on earth I was talking about. Unless, that is, you were already familiar with the short story below: Once upon a time [...]

Uranus-Pluto and a whole heap of karma: how to ride the big energies

You may have been wondering why the energies have been quite so intense of late and how best to deal with the emotional turmoil they create. As I write we have just gone through the apex point of the fourth in a series of seven ‘exact’ squares between Uranus and Pluto. When these two celestial [...]