May 15, 2014
Resourcing in another name for 'feeling good'. When people feel good, they are less likely to get stressed or become ill. What is your current state of health and how resourced are you? If we are already ill and especially if suffering from trauma, we need to learn to be very focussed in our resourcing. [...]
July 15, 2013
Healing from Cancer - Miracles can happen Life can be turned upside down, when suddenly you discover that you have an illness like cancer. The very name fills us with fear and feels like a death sentence. Yet the reality is that there can be a 90% cure rate for many types of cancer. It [...]
June 17, 2013
3 of the best, most powerful natural products These products are all really helpful for lots of reasons and I would suggest that you do your own research. The links are to good sources in the UK. Do take care how you use them. There is a lot of information on the internet. Make sure [...]
February 22, 2013
How many grandchildren will you have 100,000 years from now. How will you protect them? How many grandchildren (or nieces, nephews or other family members) will you have 100,000 years from now? This is roughly the same time that human culture has existed on the planet. It is also the time that nuclear waste has [...]
February 16, 2013
Feeling Bleak? - Life Springs Eternal! What gives us hope when all is dark and bleak? The Celtic festival of Imbolc celebrates the first stirrings of spring, way underground whilst the world is still in the grip of the darkness of winter. The first signs that this movement is happening are the snow drops, pure [...]
February 9, 2013
Healing Trauma with Emotional Freedom Technique Using EFT for healing trauma, amongst other things, can be highly effective, but very simple and completely inexpensive to do. In fact it costs nothing except a little time. It has even been used for victims of genocide in Rwanda For easy step by step directions and a short [...]
February 3, 2013
Addiction, Bulimia and Poverty Consciousness – What predisposes us to suffer in this way? How are issues of addiction, greed and poverty consciousness patterned in our earliest moments of life as a microscopic clusters of cells? The Blostocyst journey down the Fallopian Tube and then implantation in the womb may shape these deep psychological and [...]
January 11, 2013
We have an absolute epidemic of cancer not to mention other endemic diseases. What on earth is going on? People are relying on the pharmaceutical industry and surgery to 'cure' them? Yet millions of people are dying on chemotherapy and other pharmaceutical drugs. There was a man called Royal Raymond Rife, who was a highly [...]
January 1, 2013
This is a very informative interview with Dr Raymond Moody on his experiences and research of people both having Near Death Experiences and also others who have witnessed the Near Death Experiences of their loved ones. Do you know anyone that has witnessed the near death experience of others? Juliet
December 29, 2012
An amazing offer, come to stay for only £250 for 7 days at the Sanctuary. - Normal price is £385. Must be booked and paid for before 31st January 2013. check availability email me at [email protected] Love Juliet