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Did your Mother Tell you??

  Did your Mother tell you about your birth? Chances are that she didn't and that she thought it was alright.....SHE MAY HAVE BEEN WRONG When I asked my Mother, she had no answers.... I did my own 'personal research' and found out from MY body memories that the terrible pain that I had in [...]

Healing Birth Wounds Workshop 12th & 13th Decemeber2015

Healing Birth Wounds Workshop 12th & 13th December 2015 Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with the same old story, your life stressed and unfulfilling, or suffer from vague anxieties, stuck patterns, life repeating itself in a negative spiral? Past traumatic experiences can be fermenting beneath the level of your conscious mind that you have no [...]

Addiction, Bulimia and Poverty Consciousness – What predisposes us to suffer in this way?

Addiction, Bulimia and Poverty Consciousness – What predisposes us to suffer in this way? How are issues of addiction, greed and poverty consciousness patterned in our earliest moments of life as a microscopic clusters of cells? The Blostocyst journey down the Fallopian Tube and then implantation in the womb may shape these deep psychological and [...]

Trauma may be the cause of symptoms that doctors can’t understand

Do you have worrying symptoms that doctors can't identify? I have worked with a few people recently that have been through some grueling medical procedures as a result of distressing symptoms. After going through complex invasive tests no-one is the wiser as to what is causing the problem. It can be very worrying. Trauma and [...]

Do we remember our experiences from when we were an egg or a sperm?

It’s an interesting but distressing fact that conventional medical practice does not recognize the possibility that an unborn baby can experience pain. Up until recently, surgery done on the in-utero foetus, was performed without anesthetic. It was believed that unborn babies cannot feel pain because the nervous system is not fully developed. Pioneering research conducted [...]

Did you get a good start in Life?

Chances are, your Mum thought it was probably not too bad. It is hard for a Mother to really know what it is like for her unborn baby. Your Mum may have been stressed but it would have been small compared to your experience, who as a tiny baby was so much more vulnerable and [...]

Healing Trauma in a safe way

Healing Trauma in a safe way It may be that when you hear the word 'trauma' that you think it applies to someone else and not to yourself. The reality is that trauma is probably the number one condition that affects the most people on the planet. All sorts of situations in life can lead [...]

Was your sex life compromised at Birth?

Was your sex life compromised at birth? Birth like death is a subject that we would rather not think about in realistic terms. Death gets swept under the carpet, whilst birth is viewed through rose coloured glasses .. The grim reality is that birth is a traumatic event for most babies. Since the average fetal [...]

Healing Birth Wounds – Workshop November 30th November – 1st December. 2013

Healing Birth Wounds - Workshop November 30th November - 1st December. 2013 Do you suffer from vague anxieties, stuck patterns, life repeating itself in a negative spiral? Past traumatic experiences can be fermenting beneath the level of your conscious mind that you have no idea of, yet may have arisen from your earliest times in [...]

Healing Trauma with Emotional Freedom Technique

Healing Trauma with Emotional Freedom Technique Using EFT for healing trauma, amongst other things, can be highly effective, but very simple and completely inexpensive to do. In fact it costs nothing except a little time. It has even been used for victims of genocide in Rwanda For easy step by step directions and a short [...]