October 28, 2015
Healing Birth Wounds Workshop 12th & 13th December 2015 Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with the same old story, your life stressed and unfulfilling, or suffer from vague anxieties, stuck patterns, life repeating itself in a negative spiral? Past traumatic experiences can be fermenting beneath the level of your conscious mind that you have no [...]
September 19, 2014
It’s an interesting but distressing fact that conventional medical practice does not recognize the possibility that an unborn baby can experience pain. Up until recently, surgery done on the in-utero foetus, was performed without anesthetic. It was believed that unborn babies cannot feel pain because the nervous system is not fully developed. Pioneering research conducted [...]
December 24, 2013
Need to deeply relax, try this Yoga Nidra meditation. Yoga Nidra is a profound method for healing and deep relaxation. It helps you to change fixed beliefs and creates new pathways in the brain, allowing your body to heal. Yoga Nidra brings an incredible calmness, quietness and clarity. It is one of the deepest of [...]
October 1, 2013
Healing Birth Wounds - Workshop November 30th November - 1st December. 2013 Do you suffer from vague anxieties, stuck patterns, life repeating itself in a negative spiral? Past traumatic experiences can be fermenting beneath the level of your conscious mind that you have no idea of, yet may have arisen from your earliest times in [...]
June 15, 2013
Dumped again? Time to find your Inner Lover. Sometimes love seems to fade and what was a happy relationship suddenly feels empty. Sad when both are in agreement that the time has come to finish, but even sadder when you are the one that is still in love but your partner wants to quit. How [...]
June 4, 2013
Testimonial from Sheila, June 2013 Healing Waters is a really beautiful sanctuary for healing and love. I really wished I could have stayed there longer this time but I had been here before! My visit this time was following the bereavement of my mother. My friend and I stayed in the Jasmine Room which was [...]
June 1, 2013
WIN!!! A wonderful retreat for two at Healing Waters Sanctuary in Glastonbury HOW TO ENTER Send this entry to: Prediction Healing Waters, 80-83 Long Lane, London, EC1A 9ET Name Address Telno Email Postcode Entries close: 30th June 2013 Terms and conditions: Minimum age is 16, prize is subject to availability, valid Monday to Wednesday. Travel [...]
February 9, 2013
Healing Trauma with Emotional Freedom Technique Using EFT for healing trauma, amongst other things, can be highly effective, but very simple and completely inexpensive to do. In fact it costs nothing except a little time. It has even been used for victims of genocide in Rwanda For easy step by step directions and a short [...]
February 3, 2013
Addiction, Bulimia and Poverty Consciousness – What predisposes us to suffer in this way? How are issues of addiction, greed and poverty consciousness patterned in our earliest moments of life as a microscopic clusters of cells? The Blostocyst journey down the Fallopian Tube and then implantation in the womb may shape these deep psychological and [...]
January 18, 2013
4 Years: Go - ONLY TWO YEARS LEFT! To avert planetary disaster, there is a small window of opportunity and we are half way through it now. What do you need to do to be part of this change? Please comment and tell us what you are doing now to bring the planet that we [...]