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Trauma may be the cause of symptoms that doctors can’t understand

Do you have worrying symptoms that doctors can't identify? I have worked with a few people recently that have been through some grueling medical procedures as a result of distressing symptoms. After going through complex invasive tests no-one is the wiser as to what is causing the problem. It can be very worrying. Trauma and [...]

What does it mean to be fully conscious on the planet today?

What does it mean to be fully conscious on the planet today? It is a grand statement and in reality a humbling experience. I would so much like to be conscious and can think of so many things that I mean by that statement. Often when I talk about it, I am referring to the [...]

Healing Birth Wounds – Workshop November 30th November – 1st December. 2013

Healing Birth Wounds - Workshop November 30th November - 1st December. 2013 Do you suffer from vague anxieties, stuck patterns, life repeating itself in a negative spiral? Past traumatic experiences can be fermenting beneath the level of your conscious mind that you have no idea of, yet may have arisen from your earliest times in [...]

Longing for Intimacy – Don’t let your old pain get in the way

Longing for Intimacy? – Don't let your old pain get in the way. Juliet Yelverton Do you long for someone completely caring and understanding. A lover who can give you a special embrace and a loving word. How shocking it is when you have found that deep intimacy with a partner but it becomes a [...]

Lilou Mace interviews Juliet Yelverton

Healing the planet - an interview with Lilou Mace and Juliet Yelverton Lilou came to stay at Healing Waters

Tuaca Kelly interviews Juliet Yelverton

How doe the garden grow and what is the inspiration behind the Healing Waters Sanctuary Tuaca Kelly stayed at the Sanctuary and was inspired to make a video Healing Waters Sanctuary, Glastonbury from Tuaca Kelly on Vimeo.

Healing From Cancer – Miracles can happen

Healing from Cancer - Miracles can happen Life can be turned upside down, when suddenly you discover that you have an illness like cancer. The very name fills us with fear and feels like a death sentence. Yet the reality is that there can be a 90% cure rate for many types of cancer. It [...]

Would you like to volunteer to lovingly tend the flowers at Healing Gardens Sanctuary?

Would you like to volunteer to lovingly tend the flowers at Healing Gardens Sanctuary? Are you an ardent gardner with no where to express your passion. Would you love the possibility of doing several hours of gardening per week at Healing Waters Sanctuary tending the flowers to gladden peoples hearts? Healing Waters is a special [...]

Exploring Emerson’s Trauma Crying Theory in the Treatment of Babies- Seeking Accurate Empathy – By Karlton Terry

Exploring Emerson's Trauma Crying Theory in the Treatment of Babies- Seeking Accurate Empathy - By Karlton Terry Many baby therapists agree that crying ranks near or at the top of parental motivations for seeking psychological and somatic assistance. Unfortunately some therapies are simply aimed at "stopping the crying," including repressive behavior modification techniques which only [...]

3 of the best, most powerful natural products

3 of the best, most powerful natural products These products are all really helpful for lots of reasons and I would suggest that you do your own research. The links are to good sources in the UK. Do take care how you use them. There is a lot of information on the internet. Make sure [...]