October 28, 2015
Healing Birth Wounds Workshop 12th & 13th December 2015 Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with the same old story, your life stressed and unfulfilling, or suffer from vague anxieties, stuck patterns, life repeating itself in a negative spiral? Past traumatic experiences can be fermenting beneath the level of your conscious mind that you have no [...]
April 21, 2014
Near the Tor, there is a lesser known and equally significant power node in Glastonbury's sacred landscape. Much loved by the people who live here, The Egg Stone is a place for quiet connection, reflection and prayer. This is one of the top places that i recommend people visit when they come and do an [...]
February 8, 2014
Healing Trauma in a safe way It may be that when you hear the word 'trauma' that you think it applies to someone else and not to yourself. The reality is that trauma is probably the number one condition that affects the most people on the planet. All sorts of situations in life can lead [...]
December 24, 2013
Need to deeply relax, try this Yoga Nidra meditation. Yoga Nidra is a profound method for healing and deep relaxation. It helps you to change fixed beliefs and creates new pathways in the brain, allowing your body to heal. Yoga Nidra brings an incredible calmness, quietness and clarity. It is one of the deepest of [...]
November 4, 2013
What does it mean to be fully conscious on the planet today? It is a grand statement and in reality a humbling experience. I would so much like to be conscious and can think of so many things that I mean by that statement. Often when I talk about it, I am referring to the [...]
October 29, 2013
I’ve been thinking recently about how annoying it is when a life coach, or motivational speaker, makes one of those broad-brush-stroke claims for us all like: “There is nothing to change” or (my personal favourite), “You are already perfect as you are." Your life could be resembling a train wreck at this point and you [...]
August 19, 2013
Healing the planet - an interview with Lilou Mace and Juliet Yelverton Lilou came to stay at Healing Waters
July 15, 2013
Healing from Cancer - Miracles can happen Life can be turned upside down, when suddenly you discover that you have an illness like cancer. The very name fills us with fear and feels like a death sentence. Yet the reality is that there can be a 90% cure rate for many types of cancer. It [...]
July 7, 2013
Would you like to volunteer to lovingly tend the flowers at Healing Gardens Sanctuary? Are you an ardent gardner with no where to express your passion. Would you love the possibility of doing several hours of gardening per week at Healing Waters Sanctuary tending the flowers to gladden peoples hearts? Healing Waters is a special [...]
June 17, 2013
3 of the best, most powerful natural products These products are all really helpful for lots of reasons and I would suggest that you do your own research. The links are to good sources in the UK. Do take care how you use them. There is a lot of information on the internet. Make sure [...]